The Foundation of what would grow to become “Rajratan Group” was laid in 1973 by Ratalalji Deepchandji Jain, who had learned all aspects of business by himself, without any formal education established, Ashok Plastic Industries in Rajgarh, Dist. Dhar, M. P.
A down to earth religious individual, who understood the need & Potential in Plastic Waste management, started Recycling Waste Poly Bags to Agriculture Pipe.
Ashok Kumar Jain (Youngest son of Ratanlalji Deepchandji Jain) established Rajratan Irrigation Private Limited in 1994 to trade and promote modern irrigation systems to farmers. A visionary entrepreneur, Post Graduated in Law - started the theme of water conservation & introduced modern cost effective methods of farming. Played a Key Role in introduction of Rigid PVC Pipes & Fitting in the state & was also the first to introduce Sprinkler irrigation System, which is today a popular method for organized farming.
Concept of “pyaaRvarNa Pa,hrI” i.e., Guardian of Nature came into existence.
The amount of domestic and industrial waste is increasing every year thus adversely affecting the environment. There is a great need to develop and evolve cleaner technology to convert the waste through treatment in to useful end products.
Rajratan Technique & Technology (P) Ltd was established in the year 2001, with the aim of preserving nature through waste recycling and its reuse. Development of a cleaner technology is a highly specialized field, which needs extensive research input with optimum field application methods. Ashok Kumar Jain took up this challenge and successfully demonstrated cleaner technology options in respect of Multilayer Flexible Printing Waste such as: wrappers, pouches, Soiled and Misprinted Currency Notes, Hazardous Ink Waste etc.
Company procured wrappers, pouches, flexible waste from Hindustan Lever Ltd, ITC Ltd., Shri Rama-Multi Tech Pvt. Ltd. etc. and converted them in to useful resource products such as Recycled Board, Rope etc. It also procured soiled and misprinted currency note from Reserve Bank of India, Bank Note Press, Dewas and converted in to particle board/briquettes etc. Further, Hazardous Ink Waste from Bank Note Press, Dewas & Currency Note Press, Nashik has been converted into Recovered Pigment which is used for manufacturing Primer, Paints, Inks Plastic Colorant other resins.
Further down the year, Rajratan Marketing was formed to create a new network for Sales & Marketing for all the nearby rural areas. For the first time, a dedicated Showroom was inaugurated to display all the Green Products & Ideology pertaining to Waste.
Sangita Jain W/o. Ashok Kumar Jain joined the ideology for a cleaner future. Rajratan Concept was established in the year 2002 as a consultancy firm to provide complete waste management solutions. New Tools evolved resulting in complete change in concept of Waste Management. It has associated itself with very experienced consultants & advisors to deliver accurate & practical solutions. Company being a service provider delivers prompt & accurate solution to Industries for their waste management. It also provides onsite treatment & disposal services to industries for their waste management. It has a designated design & development wing to develop on the entire project under Rajratan Group. It can be termed as the flagship company of the group giving all the competitive edge over competitors.
After completing Graduation from De Mont Fort University, Leicester, U.K., Ashay Jain, elder son of Ashok Kumar Jain joined the vision in 2003. He took the responsibility to increase Awareness among people towards Recycling and widen the reach of Green Products in the market. Acceptance of Green or Recycled products has always been tough in India Market. This was the start of a complete new direction for the group and its concept. New products were invented to replace the conventional material and reduce Wood Use.
Rajratan Green Environment Concept (RGEC) was established in the year 2005, with an aim to adopt unique waste management practices for proper collection, treatment & subsequent final disposal of Industrial Packaging, Used Tyre & Electronic and Electrical Waste (E-Waste), to convert waste into useful products. Practices of Research - Waste management at source, Recover - Recovery of important substance, Recycle - Processing of recovered materials to value added products are adopted to achieve the same.
Company is keen to provide complete waste management solution to waste produces in adjoining Pithampur Industrial area as well as the neighboring part of Gujarat, Rajasthan & Maharashtra State. Industrial waste refers here with the waste generated during packaging of various food, medicines, & other products etc. At present it is working on reprocessing of Recovered Pigments for its value addition. Its proposed integrated facility for which application is already made will provide an opportunity for organized and eco-friendly disposal arrangement. Integrated waste management is the biggest challenge and one of the essential components of any successful waste management program.
Rajratan Recycling Industries was established with the aim to adopt unique waste management practices for proper collection to final disposal of Municipal & Agro Waste to convert them into useful products. Practices of Research, Reuse, Reduce & Recycle are adopted with consistent efforts for value addition like: Eco-friendly Pellets, Plastic to Fiber and lot more. Company is actively involved in treatment & reprocessing of industrial sludge’s into useful end products. RRI has undertaken a detailed project for onsite recycling of Hazardous ETP Sludge, which involves complete process from source segregation to its disposal and final conversion to value added end product.
Ankit Jain, younger son of Ashok Kumar Jain joined the group in 2007.